Author: alonzomuncy

Who is a part of the ‘Kingdom of Heaven?’

So Matthew helpfully divides up most of Jesus’s teachings into five large blocks. Which I’m going to start exploring here. These are mostly notes for myself as I start the day and try to actively live the ethic I believe in but can sometimes not be the best at actually doing.  I use ‘us’ and […]

Reflection on Practical Christianity

I say this with as much humility as it is possible to do so, I am very smart and ‘thinky’. I don’t mean that as a compliment. For a long time I’ve very much enjoyed the intellectual side of Christianity: Revelation, Apologetics, and ‘historical context of Jesus’. However, I’ve realized that I can’t say much […]

Thoughts on Core Conflict

The Core Conflict is the conflict that the other conflicts build off of. However, let’s take Star Wars for example (Just like everyone ever). The core conflict is say ‘Will the Empire Succeed in destroying the rebels?” (perhaps not the deepest analysis, but whatever). This question drives the entire movie. Then you have your surface […]

Cut Scene: Sif and Hafthor

Aiden, Sif, and Hadrian made their way up the mountain with a sheep on a lead. Sif was in her wolf shape, seeming energetic and playful, even though the sheep was understandably nervous. Sif for her part let her wolf shape stretch out and her legs run. There was something freeing and meditative about the […]

[WP] “Good new is that we were able to contact an alien civilization. Bad news is that their only message we recieved was “Cease all communications. They will hear you””

Sarah awoke from cryrosleep. The glass slid down and the bed tilted up. She stumbled out of it feeling tired and woozy. “Computer, Coffee.” She ordered feeling bleary eyed. The experiments with cryrosleep had revealed that she would feel tired when awaking, but to actually experience it was something else. “You have a mission update.” […]

My Current Stance on AI

So there is a lot of hubub about AI right now. There are a lot of people who HATE AI and feel that everything made with it is illegitimate. If it’s made even partly by AI, then they don’t want anything to do with it. I don’t feel that same way. To me, AI is […]

God as a Father

So, today I was reminded of something. God is our Father. I’m blessed with a particularly great father and I’m not always a good or even an ok son. Some people don’t have that blessing and there are terrible or missing fathers. There are a lot of people who have grown up without a father […]

On complaining about details that you know

First, here is a very lovely pic, Space Exploration-Styx by Santa Norvaisaite. Source: So this blog isn’t going to be about the picture above, but about a book I was reading today. In it, they talk about a piece of technology. They mention having to get used to a manual safety on a gun […]